I was born Carol Ehrlich in Pittsworth, Queensland
In my early life I was raised in a musical family living on Dairy and Wheat Farms on the Darling Downs, Qld. Dad could not read a note of music however play him a couple of bars and he would be there with his Button Accordion and Mouth Organ. Mum was an accomplished Violin player. She taught my elder sister, Kaye, and I to read music. Kaye on the Piano Accordion and me on the Banjo Mandolin. I was ok but preferred to sing. In country Queensland, our family put on Concerts for the local community with Dad and my brother also performing various comedy skits, me singing and dancing (in an untrained manner). Lots of fun.
After our parents’ divorce, Mum and my three siblings moved off the farm and settled in Manly, Qld. Mum worked hard to support us, and music was forgotten.
In my teens, and very secretly, I found a Brisbane Music Teacher who suggested I enter a Talent Quest. Brisbane Agent, Ellie Lavelle saw me, and I was booked for my very first performance as a Solo Artist with new Stage Name Carol Rogers.
Singing as Carol Rogers
Over the following years some stand out times.
- Performed at Hotels and Clubs in Brisbane and throughout Queensland.
- Joined All Girl Group ‘Daughters of Zeus’ replacing Coleen Hewitt as lead singer
We also backed various artists such as Johnny Farnham, Lonnie Lee etc - Moved from Brisbane to Sydney
- 2 Tours of Vietnam 1969 – 1971 (Entertaining the American Troops)”
1969 “The Sunseekers” 1970 “Armageddon” - Band ‘The Shilos” with Tommy Emmanuel & Phil Emmanuel
It wasn’t until Dave and I moved to Blackbutt, Qld, that I approached the Taromeo Country Music Club in 2015 and, with their encouragement and support I am back doing what I love.
Whilst attending a Country Music Festival I met Shaza Leigh. The outcome is my first CD, recorded in Tamworth at LBS Studio, with Lindsay Butler, Shaza Leigh, Peggy Gilchrist and the LBS Crew. Cheers Carol